Using the Power of Assistive Technology

Help Your Loved One
with Physical Disabilities

Live Safely, Securely & Independently

Smart-home assistive technologies are enabling people with physical disabilities to stay safe, secure and independent.

ATECH supports you and your loved ones in using these technologies in ways that are best suited to the particular needs you or they may have.

Our Comprehensive Services Include:

  • Assessments that determine the right technology for each unique situation
  • Support through our Lending Library resource that allows for testing technology before purchasing
  • Peace-of-Mind through remote, real-time monitoring allowing for better access to services if they are needed

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Maximizing independence at home, work, and play.

Discover adaptive equipment and technologies to keep your loved ones safe, healthy, and happy. 

Journey to Independence

The Assistive Technology Training Center is a nonprofit organization. In addition to providing comprehensive services, we also offer affordable community memberships that provide access to in-person and online training on the latest smart-home assistive technologies as well as the ability to borrow from our technology lending library.

Starting With a Comprehensive Assessment

An assistive technology assessment starts with an understanding of the needs, wants and desires of an individual with a physical disabilty.  The smart technology solution is then created. Training during the transition to independence builds confidence, competence, and comfort. The right supports, monitoring, and alert systems offer safe, healthier independent living.